We learnt about pause breathe smile, and, for PB4L we made a bathroom procedure poster.

First, we did pause breathe smile. For pause breathe smile, we had to pause and breathe. Then we talked about positive feelings, and negative feelings. some examples of posotive feelings are satisfied, exited, and joyful. Some examples of negative feelings are angry, depressed, and stressed.

Next we dicussed the bathroom procedures. The procedures we talked about were washing your hands, informing the teacher, and using the toilet for its intended purpose.

Lastly we created a poster explainning the bathroom procedures.

I enjoyed this task becuase I like creating posters. I think I did good at creating this poster.


Womans Rights

We read a text about womans rights.

First we read a text called, The Fight To Vote. This text is about the womans rights and how they were able to vote, and gain fair rights. So in the 1860’s, the woman began to speak out and protest for equal rights to men.

Next, in our group, we did something like reciprocal reading. We needed a leader, comprehender, antagonist, and a clarifier. We needed to discuss what we all thought the text was about in our own words.

Then, we recorded our group going throught the reciprocal reading process. The leader asked, who?,What?,why, and how? Then the comprehender would explain what they tought that the text was about. Then the antagonist had to disagree and then say what they thought the text was about. The the clarifier asked everybody if they agreed, and if they understood.

I learnt that woman should not be treated less than men, and that woman had to fight and protest for equal rights.

Diagram Labeling

Diagrams tell you the information about the object, and how it looks, or works.

Diagrams are basic pictures that show the parts of something using labels and arrows to explain the different parts of an object. Basic pictures or line drawing are used becuase it is easier to label the parts, and make it easier to see the labels. For example, in the slide below shows a simple drawing of a tree with 4 parts.

The labels on a diagram show the name of the part or how it works. The label on a diagram can be on top of the picture and on top of the part. Or it can be beside the picture pointing to the part. For exmaple, in the fourth slide, the labels for the dog are beside the picture, but they have arrows pointing to the part.

A digram shows how something looks and works. Diagrams have labels naming the different parts of the object.






I learnt about the proper etiquette when in a Google Meet, and how to write a polite email.

First, I learnt about the proper etiquette when joining a Google Meet. This includes raising your digital hand when answering a question, joining with your microphone muted and camera on, and only unmute your microphone when answering a question when your asked.

Then I learn’t about how to write a polote email. When writing a polite email, you need to include the subject, greeting, body, farewell, and your signature(name) an example of a greeting is Hello.


Te Reo

With Whaea Odie, we learnt how to add numbers together and some new words.

First Whaea Odie showed us all the cards, and how to say them in maori. For example. If she showed us a card with the number 5, we had to say 5 in te reo, wich is rima.

Then she showed us the king, queen, and ace, card. king meant kingi. queen meant Kuini. And ace meant 1.

Lastly, she would ask us “Ho mai…” which means,  give me. Then, we had to give her the number that she asked us in maori, shown on the cards. When we gave her the card, we had to say “Ane”, thats means here.

I enjoyed doing this, becuase I got to learn more numbers in maori. I think that I could get better at pronouncing the numbers.

Procedual text

You will have no problem with writing a procedure text after you follow these steps.


  • Chromebook/book


  1. Write a title
  2.  write an end result
  3. Add the materials that you will need
  4. Add the pictures
  5. Add all the steps



Soccer Skills

LS1 revised some soccer skills. we revised passing, and stopping the ball.

Frist we did a warm up game. For the warm up me played rock paper scissors tag. To play rock papaer scissors tag you need to try and beat people in rock paper scissors. If you beat them, you get to run away and try to get more people out. If you lost, you had to stand still like your stuck in the mud and the only way to get un-stuck, somebody had to tag you

Next, we rivised passing and stopping. We did a triangle drill. We used the inside of our foot to pass the ball to each other. We had to chose wich stop we wanted to practice. Then, once the ball went all the way around the circle you had to spread out.

Lastly we played a game called team tag. to play team tag you need to get into a group and pass the ball to each other while trying to teag other players. The last team standing wins.

I enjoyed this because I like learning soccer skills. I think that I need to get better at stopping the ball with the inside of my foot because the ball kept bouncing back.


Inferring is a conclusion or opinion that is formed because of known facts or evidence.

Observable information can only be retrieved from observing an image.

Inferring is guessing something by using the information already retrieved from a image or text. For example: I can see two people holding hands. So I can infer that they are a couple.

Infering is when you make a opinion using prior knowledge, and can also be used in text or image.





Procedural Text

Procedual texts tell people how to do something in steps.

The structure of a procedual text is remeberd by using TEMPS.

T stands for title.

E stands for end result.

M stands for material.

P stands for pictures.

S stands for steps.

A procedual text is a list of instructions telling you how to make or do something

Reading Analog Clock

I learnt how to read one of the 2 different times of clocks. An analog clock, and a digital clock. I learnt how to read an analog clock

The big hand on a analog clock is the hour hand. It tells you the hours. The long hand is the minute hand. It tells you the minutes.