WLJ Activity 2

For the Winter learning Journey I was challenged to made breakfast for my mum. For breakfast my mum wanted spinach and tuna. I started by heating up the pan and adding a little bit of oil on low heat. Once that was done I grabbed a few pieces of spinach and cut the stems off and cooked for a few minutes. when the spinach was finally done I added some tuna to a plate and served it to my mum.

I found this activity fun because I got to practice my cooking skills.

WLJ Activity 4 Minecraft Challenge

For the Winter Learning Journey I was challenegd to build anything that was winter themed, I decided to build a cozy cabin house. I started off by teraforming the ground so I could build easier. After I finished I started by making an L shape and adding pillars. Then I started building gable roofs out of stairs. Once I finished I used a darker wood to make the walls for the whole house and added glass windows. Finally I added light and snow everywhere.

I found this task fun because I enjoyed building the house and decorating it.

WLJ Activity 11 Boogle

I was challenged to find as many words as I could inside the word SNOWSTORM. I started by breaking the word into 2 and making snow and storm then I started doing all the words I know starting with N. I did this until I finished each letter and added words I missed at the end.

I found this activity fun because I got to challenge my brain and expand my volcabulary.

Matariki Assembly

For Matariki we held an assembly and each class was given a specific star out of the matariki cluster to research about, our class was given the twins Papatuanuku and Ranginui. Papatuanuku is known for giving us food from the sky like birds and fruits. Ranginuiu is known for giving us food from below like potatoes and other vegetables. For our presentation me, Bethany and Armani created paper mache stars and attatched the names that Ane and Siniva created to them. Along with the 2 stars Mercy, Mason, Riley and Folose created a song with the help of AI.

I enjoyed creating the stars because I enjoy painting and arts and crafts.

Rewrite Without Using

Today we were challenged to rewrite certain texts without using selected letters while trying to keep the same meaning. One of the texts we were given was Humpty Dumpty. To help find different words we had to use word hippo to find synonyms for words we couldn’t use. Our challenge became harder since each time we were given a new text more letters were added that we couldn’t use.

We found this task fun and challenging because we had to collaborate and use different vocabulary.

Building a Catapult

LI: Practical build challenge to design and create a newspaper model of a catapult.

We were challenged to create a catapult using push and pull forces. The push force is when you push something away from you, and pull forces is pulling towards you. 

First we got into groups and each drew our own catapult planning designs, then we chose the best one to use as our blueprint. First my group created a base by securely rolling up rolls of newspaper and taping them together. Then we made a long one to be the arm or out catapult that shoots the projectile far away using the push force. Then we created a cup and attached it to the arm where we will out our ammunition. When we attatched the arm we noticed that when we pulled the arm back to shoot it wouldn’t go very far since there was no force to pull the arm forward so when we put in would to far, so we added a rubber band to do the job. Finally we tested out our catapults and measured how far they went and who’s went the furthest.

I found this task fun because I enjoyed collaborating with my group and demonstrating the push and pull forces in a fun way.

Google Aotearoa Meets Pamnure Bridge School

What was the big message?

Google Aotearoa’s team Steve, Caro, Teyha and Simon visited PBS and answered some of our questions we were curious about. The first thing they talked about was introducing themselves and asking us a few questions like if we knew how long google Aotearoa’s office had existed for, I found out they have had a office in Aotearoa for 16 years! Some of the things they said that stood out was that whatever job you start you should always go 110% Reguardless of the task smile and talk because people will always remember you for being positive.

After they introduced themselves we asked a few questions. I asked them how a website could actually be put onto Google. They replied that when you search for something it has a special code that looks for specific information that people are searching for and that if a website is connected to a different like our blogs, it will be easier for us to find the website. Did you know that Google got it’s name from 2 Stanford students thNot many people know know that chromebooks are known to be one of the safest devices because of a special chip they have which looks for viruses and makes sure all websites are safe for your device.

Google told us about large language model’s (LLM) and that it’s a data base that reads information that you feed it so that it will be able to answer your questions. LLM doesn’t just look at a photo of a cat and is able to identify a cat, it takes in a bunch of information about what is is being asked so it is able to inform you about your question. For example: If someone read every single book in the library they would be able to give you a bunch of different information about a question you ask, isn’t that amazing?

Samoan Hand Tatau Design

The connected dots represent my family and me and our relationship growing as it flows to the frangipani flower. The flower represents how our family has grown and bloomed over time. The lines on the wrist represent Mount wellington which I can see from Panmure Bridge School where I grew up. 

I found this task interesting because I got to learn about the Samoan culture and their hand tatau’s.

Portion Sizes

My task was to create a presentation explaining the importance of proper serving sizes. Fruits and vegetables provide different vitamins which are good for your body. Dairy products like milk is good for your body because they help your bones grow which protect your muscles. Grains are good for you because they provide carpohydrates and fibre which fills your appetite.

I found this task interesting because I got to learn about how to maintain good portion sizes.

How to do Mutiplication algorithm

I was challenged to use multiplication algorithm to solve multiplication problems. In the DLO above is a explanation on how to solve a multiplication algorithm. when doing multiplication is is important to remember to add a place holder 0 when you move on to the next collunm. If there is more numbers to multiply by then add 2 place holder 0’s.

I found this task informational because knowing how to solve multiplication problems using algorithm is important and easier to use than other strategies.