Category: Ako | Learn

WLJ Activity 4 Minecraft Challenge

For the Winter Learning Journey I was challenegd to build anything that was winter themed, I decided to build a cozy cabin house. I started off by teraforming the ground so I could build easier. After I finished I started by making an L shape and adding pillars. Then I started building gable roofs out of stairs. Once I finished I used a darker wood to make the walls for the whole house and added glass windows. Finally I added light and snow everywhere.

I found this task fun because I enjoyed building the house and decorating it.

WLJ Activity 11 Boogle

I was challenged to find as many words as I could inside the word SNOWSTORM. I started by breaking the word into 2 and making snow and storm then I started doing all the words I know starting with N. I did this until I finished each letter and added words I missed at the end.

I found this activity fun because I got to challenge my brain and expand my volcabulary.

Matariki Assembly

For Matariki we held an assembly and each class was given a specific star out of the matariki cluster to research about, our class was given the twins Papatuanuku and Ranginui. Papatuanuku is known for giving us food from the sky like birds and fruits. Ranginuiu is known for giving us food from below like potatoes and other vegetables. For our presentation me, Bethany and Armani created paper mache stars and attatched the names that Ane and Siniva created to them. Along with the 2 stars Mercy, Mason, Riley and Folose created a song with the help of AI.

I enjoyed creating the stars because I enjoy painting and arts and crafts.

Building a Catapult

LI: Practical build challenge to design and create a newspaper model of a catapult.

We were challenged to create a catapult using push and pull forces. The push force is when you push something away from you, and pull forces is pulling towards you. 

First we got into groups and each drew our own catapult planning designs, then we chose the best one to use as our blueprint. First my group created a base by securely rolling up rolls of newspaper and taping them together. Then we made a long one to be the arm or out catapult that shoots the projectile far away using the push force. Then we created a cup and attached it to the arm where we will out our ammunition. When we attatched the arm we noticed that when we pulled the arm back to shoot it wouldn’t go very far since there was no force to pull the arm forward so when we put in would to far, so we added a rubber band to do the job. Finally we tested out our catapults and measured how far they went and who’s went the furthest.

I found this task fun because I enjoyed collaborating with my group and demonstrating the push and pull forces in a fun way.

Samoan Hand Tatau Design

The connected dots represent my family and me and our relationship growing as it flows to the frangipani flower. The flower represents how our family has grown and bloomed over time. The lines on the wrist represent Mount wellington which I can see from Panmure Bridge School where I grew up. 

I found this task interesting because I got to learn about the Samoan culture and their hand tatau’s.

How to do Mutiplication algorithm

I was challenged to use multiplication algorithm to solve multiplication problems. In the DLO above is a explanation on how to solve a multiplication algorithm. when doing multiplication is is important to remember to add a place holder 0 when you move on to the next collunm. If there is more numbers to multiply by then add 2 place holder 0’s.

I found this task informational because knowing how to solve multiplication problems using algorithm is important and easier to use than other strategies.

Howick Historical Village Trip

LI: To make a collage about the Howick Historical Village.

We went back into the past and visited the Howick Historical village and learnt about how the world has evolved since 1870. Back in the day there wasn’t any countdown’s or pak’n’saves to but butter, so the woman milked the cow and made it theirself. We used cream and churned it using one of the oldenday mixers and each had a turn churning the cream and saying the phrase: “churn butter churn, … is waiting at the gate, waiting for some butter cake, churn butter churn.” Eventually the butter bacame thicker and created butter and buttermilk. Buttermilk was used to feed pigs, since people couldn’t go to the chop and buy pet food.

In 18370 lifestyles were very different from how they were today. For the roads, they used crushed shells since they didn’t have tar. Boys and girls couldn’t play together and girls weren’t allowed to play together. we explored the houses and saw different types of buildings like schools and churches and how they used to look.

For fun, boys made trolleys and build things while girls had to do things like sewing or knitting for fun. Nowadays we can do whatever we like for fun. each group was gived a bunch of supplies and a refferance photo so that we could build and test our trolleys that we build. We drove and raced the trolleys down the slope.

I enjoyed visiting the Howick historical village because I got to look at what like used to look like and how it has changed since.

2D and 3D Shapes

LI: how 2D and 3D shapes are defined.

I was given a slide of different 2D and 3D shapes, and my challenge was to list their properties. A shapes properties are their attributes, like viticies(corners) and faces. First I completed all of the 2D shapes and their properties. For example a triangle’s properties are 3 Sides and 3 corners. Then I completed the 3D shapes and listed their properties.

I found this activity fun because I got to learn the properties of 3D shapes.

Sentence Structure

From this challenge I can see I have a clear understanding of simple and compound sentences, but still need to work on complex sentences. My task was to play a game called rags to riches and try to reach 1 million. In this game I was challenged to try to answer questions like what type of sentence structure the question was. My highest was 1 million after a few tries.

I found enjoyed this task because I got to test my knowledge on sentence structure and expand my understanding.

Simple and Compund Sentences

LI: To explore sentence structure.

My task was to write a simple and compound sentence. A simple sentence is one independant clause (idea) with a verb and noun that starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop. A compound sentence is 2 simple sentences join together with a conjunction, they have 2 nouns and 2 verbs, and start with a capital letter and end with a full stop.

I found this task fun because I enjoyed making up simple and compound sentences.