Tag: Word Consciousness

Digital Escape Rooms

LI: To create a digital escape room that allows others to practise their knowledge of prefixes and suffixes.

This week I learnt how to create a digital escape room using Google forms. All my questions are on the affixes because writing the questions/answers and wrong answers really made me think about what meanings to some suffixes and what words have more than 1 suffixes.

I found this activity fun because creating an escape room is a fun way to learn about affixes, and after craking the code for a game to learn even more is very helpful and exciting.

Mrs Anderson has created a page on our site with all our escape rooms on it.  Click on this link to crack our codes and increase your knowledge of affixes.

Word Building

LI: To build words from a base word using prefixes and suffixes.

This week we have been learning how words are build from a base word using suffixes and prefixes. A base word is a complete word by itself that changes when you add a prefix or suffix. Our challenge is to see how many words we could make from one base word. In this DLO the word we used was ‘excite’.

We found this activity fun because this is a helpful and fun way to learn how to spell words and how prefixes and suffixes can change the meaning of a word. For example un means not, and happy means an emotion of expressing cheerfulness and glee. So if you put them togeather it creates un+happy then the meaning changes. Unhappy-not happy, or a emotion for feeling sad and gloomy.