Tag: Maths

How to do Mutiplication algorithm

I was challenged to use multiplication algorithm to solve multiplication problems. In the DLO above is a explanation on how to solve a multiplication algorithm. when doing multiplication is is important to remember to add a place holder 0 when you move on to the next collunm. If there is more numbers to multiply by then add 2 place holder 0’s.

I found this task informational because knowing how to solve multiplication problems using algorithm is important and easier to use than other strategies.

2D and 3D Shapes

LI: how 2D and 3D shapes are defined.

I was given a slide of different 2D and 3D shapes, and my challenge was to list their properties. A shapes properties are their attributes, like viticies(corners) and faces. First I completed all of the 2D shapes and their properties. For example a triangle’s properties are 3 Sides and 3 corners. Then I completed the 3D shapes and listed their properties.

I found this activity fun because I got to learn the properties of 3D shapes.

Statistical Investigation

LI: to read the text, gather, sort, graph and analyse the data.

Our task was to create a statistical investigation by following the cycle. First me and my partner formed a question, our question was “what sports do you play,” then we went around asking the class what sport they play. After we gathered all of the data we analyzed (looked closely). Finally we formed a conclusion, we found out that most people in LS2 don’t play sports.

I found this task fun because I got to learn new things about my peers.

Statistical Investigation

Our math group created a diagram which shows the top six rivers in Auckland from smallest to largest. We used our collaborative skills to find out the data of each river. We put these rivers in this order from shortest to longest Whanua, Puhoi, Tamaki, Waitakere, Hoteo, Waiora. We used our knowledge to come to the conclusion on what river is the longest out of the 6 rivers in Auckland, which is Waiora being 65 km long.

I found this activity useful because I learnt how to make a statistical investigation.

Basic Facts Challenge

Today I started my maths journey with subtraction up to 20. This activity is used so that I could expand my knowledge when working with big numbers.

Today my time was 5m and 12s. My goal for next time is to complete subtraction up to 20 randomized. to achieve this goal I need to practice more and try and remember my basic facts.

Maths Riddles

For the summer learning journey I completed the task called Maths Riddles.

I needed to answer 5 tricky maths questions, for example: at the time Coco was 6 years old her sister was half her age. How old would Coco’s sister be if Coco was 20 years old? The answer would be 17 becuase is Coco’s sister was 3 at the time Coco was 6, the age gap would be 3 years, and 20-3=17.

I enjoyed this task because answering riddles is fun! I got 3/5 questions correct. I think I did good at this task.


I created a slide with information on why global warming is affecting the temperature of the planet.

First, I answered some word equasions about temperature like adding celceus and degres.

Then, I researched about why global warming is affecting the planet causing water levels to rise.

Lastly I put all of the information on a DLO and added an information link.

I enjoyed this task becuase I like researching about information.


Temprature is how hot and cold something is.

First we learnt what temprature is measured in, it is measured in degrees and celceus, sometimes ferenhight.

Then, I answers some word equasions adding degrees and celceus togeather.

Lastly I chose some questions and made a DLO answering them. For example: The hottest place on earth is Death Valley.

Reading Analog Clock

this week I learnt how to read an analog clock.

First we learnt about the 2 different types of clocks. Analog and digital. Analog clocks are the ones that have hands. A digital clock are the ones that are on technology like phones i pads, laptops, etc.

Next we used an online clock to prctice reading the time. we made 8 different ones.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt two different types of time. I need to improve on finding out the hour hand. I did well on guessing the minute hand.