Day: December 19, 2022

SLJ Seesaw Challenge

For the summer learning journey I completed the seesaw challenge.

First, I gathered all of the materials I needed to create my catapult. I needed 4 items:

  1. Tube
  2. Spoon
  3. string
  4. Projectile of choice

Then, I created my catapult. I used the string to attatch the spoon to the tube so that I could launch things.

Lastly, I put my catapult onto the floor and started trying to flip a cup. I flipped the cup 2 times in a row. It took me 2 tried for me to get it right.

I enjoyed this activity becuase launching stuff out of my catapult was fun! I think I could try and get a little bit better and get the cup to land 3 times in a row. I did good at this task because it took me 3 tried to get it right.