SLJ Which one Doesn’t Belong


For the Summer Learning journey I completed the task Which one Doesn’t Belong. I had to figure out which of the shapes didn’t belong and support my answer with evidence. In this activity, every answer is correct. At the end I created my own which one doesn’t belong, if you would like to try mine out, go to the last slide and write your answer in the comments.

I enjoyed this activity because it was fun and I had to think and use different strategies to find out which one is the odd one out.

One thought on “SLJ Which one Doesn’t Belong

  1. Malo e lelei Keira,

    This is another example of a fun maths activity that involved my favourite strand of maths, geometry!! I think you did an incredible job on this activity, your description explained the task beautifully.

    I think you did another awesome job explaining why each shape didn’t belong using some great maths vocabulary as you look at their different angles, shapes, faces, and edges. Looking at your one, I think the shape that doesn’t belong is the bottom right as it is the only shape without triangles. Let me know if I got it right!

    Your descriptions are always well detailed with some awesome information on your successes and challenges. My only feedback would be to add more information into your description like what the activity was about and maybe a question to ask your readers!

    It is great to see you participating in the summer learning journey again this year and I look forward to seeing more of your awesome posts, keep up the great work!

    Ngā mihi nui,
    Zana Yates

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