Day: March 14, 2024

The Code ei as in long /a/ and long /e/


We learnt about the sound ei that sounds like long /a/ and long /e/. First we were challenged to sort a assorted list of words under the catagories ei as in long /a/ and ei as long /e/. Then we tried to create seperate paragraphs with the words. You can read the paragraphs on the DLO above.

I enjoyed this task because it was fun and challenging to create paragraphs using random words that have ei in them.

Treaty of Waitangi History

LI: To understand the Treaty of Waitangi.

For this task me and my group researched about the treaty of waitangi and answerd some questions about it. First we answered the questions “What is the treaty of waitangi?” And “Why is the Treaty of Waitangi an important part of NZ history?” Then we wrote the background of the treaty of waitangi and what it was about. To learn about the Treaty of Waitangi, read the slideshow proved on top.

I found this task interesting because I got to learn about an important part of New Zealand history.

Leaders we Admire

LI: research leaders we admire for what they have done.

For this task I chose a leader that I admired, and researched about them. The leader I chose was Rosa Parks, I chose her because she stood up for herself and wanted equal rights for evryone. She is known as “mother of the civil rights movement” because she refused to give up her bus seat to a “white” man who thought he was better than everyone else.

I found this task interesting because I got to learn about a leader I admire.

Taniwha name

LI: To understamd the Treaty of Waitangi.

LI: Understand how culture connects with your name.

I was challenged to draw a taniwha but to incorprate my name into the design. First my idea was to start with the K, I used this letter as the base of my taniwhas head. then I used the E as a hand, and the R as a leg. Then I added the I and A to different parts of the body for design.

I found this task fun because I enjoy doing art, and I was challened to try and add my name somewhere in my design.

Sound Focus: ei as in long /a/

LI: Sound Focus: ei and in long /a/

We learnt about ei as long /a/ for spelling. First looked at some words that include the sound “ei” for example: Beige, skein and rein. When saying these words the ei sound like a long /a/. Then my and my partner chose one of the words and turned it into a DLO, we chose the word “rein” which is a thing you put on horses.

I found this task challenging becuase it was confusing how the ei sounded like an a.

2024 Vision board

Our task was to create a vision board about a lerader we admire and look up to. I chose Te Paea Selby-Rickit, I chose her because I feel inspired by her to play netball, I enjoy playing netball and would someday hope to play professionaly.

I found this task fun because I got to learn about a person I admire and some of my goals I hope to achieve.

Statistical Investigation

LI: to read the text, gather, sort, graph and analyse the data.

Our task was to create a statistical investigation by following the cycle. First me and my partner formed a question, our question was “what sports do you play,” then we went around asking the class what sport they play. After we gathered all of the data we analyzed (looked closely). Finally we formed a conclusion, we found out that most people in LS2 don’t play sports.

I found this task fun because I got to learn new things about my peers.