Day: December 9, 2022

Narritive Writing

I learnt how to write a narritive using planners.

First I brainstormed some ideas of what my story can be about.

Then, I selectied what ideas from the brainstorm I wanted, and put them on a planner. After that I created a draft.

Lastly, I wrote my full narritive. I chose to write a narritive about fairries.

I enjoyed this task becuae i like writing stories.


Temprature is how hot and cold something is.

First we learnt what temprature is measured in, it is measured in degrees and celceus, sometimes ferenhight.

Then, I answers some word equasions adding degrees and celceus togeather.

Lastly I chose some questions and made a DLO answering them. For example: The hottest place on earth is Death Valley.