Month: July 2023

Character Dispelling

For reading I chose a character from a text and dispelled the gender bias. I chose Brainy smurf as my character, when I dispelled the gender I changed a few things, for example a gave her more feminin clothing and a more defined body shape. While I was dispelling the gender I stayed with the theme of a steryotypical “nerd” because ofter when you hear the word “brainy” people think about “nerds”.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to take one of the characters I like and dispell the gender bias that followed from the past in evolution. This task let me express my ideas and think about questions like “what actually would my character look like as a female?” overall this activity helped me display my creativity and learn about gender bias and how men are displayed as more empowering as woman.

Aretha Franklin Song RESPECT

I completed this task so that I could achieve a CARE award in order to get a badge. For this task I needed to research about Aretha Franklin’s song RESPECT.

Aretha Franklin is a famous singer who was in the music buisness for over 60 years. One of her most famous singles RESPECT. Aretha Franklin created because she noticed that everybody wanted and needed respect. This song was noticed by many people and became an anthem for feminism and civil rights.

I enjoyed this task becasue I got to learn how a song can change society and make a better changes in the world. I found this inspiring on why and how this song became an anthem for feminism and civil rights.