Day: May 6, 2022

Reading Analog Clock

I learnt how to read one of the 2 different times of clocks. An analog clock, and a digital clock. I learnt how to read an analog clock

The big hand on a analog clock is the hour hand. It tells you the hours. The long hand is the minute hand. It tells you the minutes.

Parts Of Speech

I learnt that parts of speech are English words catagorised into 8 or 9 different kinds of words. the different parts of speech are. Nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.

Nouns are things that you can talk about. Like places, ideas, or objects. For example. The cat; cat is the noun because it can be talked about.

Verbs are actions. They can be actions of thought, actions of movement, or actions of being. For example. The cat yawned; Yawned is the noun because it is an action of movement.

Adjectives are things that describe nouns and add a quality. For example. The fluffy cat yawned; Fluffy is the adjective because it describes the quality of the cat.

Adverbs are words that describe verbs, and also add a quality. For example. The fluffy cat yawned slowly; slowly is the adverb because it describes how the cat yawned.

the parts of speech are the ways words are used in a sentence.

Observable and Literal Information

Observable information is what you can get directly from the image. Literal information is information that is printed or in a text.

Observable information can only be retrieved from observing an image. For example. in the first slide, there are rocks.

Literal information is information that can only be retrieved from a text, or printed. For example. In the fifth slide, the woman did errands for farmers for a living.